ZIP - Sustainable district of Plaines-du-Loup - Competition

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Title: Zip
Name of the project : Sustainable district of  Plaines-du-Loup
Type : Open Urbanism Competition 
Date: July 2010
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Participants: 54
Ranking : 1st prize
Organizer : City of Lausanne
Programme: Urbanism project for a sustainable district
Team : Laurent Guidetti (partner), Alvaro Varela (partner), Christophe Gnaegi (partner), Lya Blanc

image Raphaël Gogniat, Tribu architecture

The area consists in a big, 34 hectares large sports field mono-using. ??? It is located next to the city center, at the north. The objective is to build a proper city district. It is surrounded by disparate 20th century buildings.

The ZIP project defines a network of public spaces in order to link the new district with its context.


The urban structure of the new district is in continuity with the existing public spaces of the neighboring districts. Each street will have an identity and a specific context, for example some streets will have playgrounds, others vegetable gardens, and others yet, a skatepark,…


In this project we have chosen to construct buildings in the shape of blocks. It is a sustainable shape and offers good quality of life. The principal orientation is north-south so there is a difference between the north face and the south face of the building.

On the south side, the buildings have balconies, which cast a shadow on the façade in the summer. And in the winter, when the angle of the sun is low, the flats are naturally heated.

On the north side, the façades have less openings in order to avoid the loss of heat.

The project creates a green link between two forests in order to develop fauna and flora. It allows a network of biodiversity. Also, two little streams have been planified in order to collect rainwater.

It will be a mixed district. The city of Lausanne predicts 33% of social housing, 33% of cooperative and 33% of free housing.
All ground-floors are higher in order to allow space for different activities like shops, workshops, little firms which increase the vitality of the streets.

5'500 inhabitants, 3'000 jobs
Area: 320'000 m2
Floor area 400'855 m2
Plot area: 143'034 m2
Density: 2.80

 image Raphaël Gogniat, Tribu architecture

image Raphaël Gogniat, Tribu architecture